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Youngstown City Schools Administrative Note:


We have opened enrollment for the next school year. Please take some time to fill out your forms for the 25-26 school year. This allows for field trips, other activities and emergency information for your scholar. 

*Children who are 3 or 4 years old on or before October 1, 2025, are age-eligible for the YCSD preschool program. 

**Any scholar that will be playing a sport (ONLY middle and high schools) are required by the OHSAA to fill out sports Final Forms. Please make sure to select that your child is playing a sport. This is a separate set of documents which are added when you select a sport from the pop-up box that appears. 

Please make sure to use the same email address that this email is sent to in order to log into the system to be attached to your scholar. 

Here is a short video to help you. 

If you have problems accessing your scholar's information please contact your school.

Thank you, 

Tiffaney Trella

Director of Instructional Technology 

*OHIO: Youngstown City Schools* Parent/Guardian Registration
Important: Parent/Guardian & Student accounts are saved year-to-year.
If you already have an account with FinalForms please click here to login or reset your password.
  1. Register as a Parent/Guardian below.
    You must be a parent/guardian to create this account and start the process.
  2. Check your email (for the address supplied below).
  3. You will receive an email within 3 minutes prompting you to confirm and complete your registration.
  4. You will then find yourself logged in and able to add your students!
Note: If email taken, please login or reset your password.

I am a parent/guardian of a student at, enrolling at, or playing sports at Youngstown City Schools. Misrepresentation, under Ohio Revised Code section 2921.13, is a misdemeanor of the first degree punishable by a maximum of six (6) months imprisonment or a fine of $1,000 or both.